Global Middle Class Will Drive Dow to 32,000 by 2030
by Bradley Voight on 03/29/18According to the Brookings Institute the global middle class could surge by 68% from 3.2 billion people today to 5.2 billion people by 2028. The global middle class is defined by people with the ability to spend $10-$20 per day. As an amatuer market observer and economist, this is no surprise to me, but it will be to almost everyone else in America. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is made up of 30 large multinational companies that are going to benefit greatly over the next decade. That is why I am making the call for 32,000 on the Dow by 2030. Some of the risk factors between now and then are visible now, such as the Syrian conflict, high sovereign and corporate debt levels, North Korea, a Chinese hard landing after years of growth, or India and Pakistan boiling over