Let's De-politicize Sustainability Issues
by Bradley Voight on 03/04/13As the author of all of the posts that have ever appeared on the Smalltime Blog. I figure it is high time I tell you what I think about the major issues that we discuss here. I am not a tree hugger or an enviro-nut, but I am concerned about the environment. I love the creature comforts of life and in order to have them some harm is going to be done to the planet. Instead of saying technology and progress are bad though, I side with innovation and creativity. I am a capitalist and I truly believe that the invisible hand in the marketplace works as advertised by Adam Smith. I just happen to think that the invisible hand does not work properly when the consumer is not informed.
I am all for making a profit but I think it can be done in a more thoughtful way than business as usual.
I don't like factory farms and fast food, but rather than attack these industries, I say try to educate people on a more balanced diet that makes them feel better. The alcohol industry makes 80% of their sales to 20% of the drinkers. I'd bet that those figures mirror obese people and fast food. So I am not a PETA person but I am concerned about animal treatment and our food. That includes GMO's. I understand that modern agricultural practices have made food production more efficient, but splicing weed killer genes into the seeds is something that the long term affects of cannot be known at this time meaning we are all part of the experiment! That worries me.
Other than that I am a regular guy with some college and a crappy job that just doesn't want to be poisoned and likes to make a little extra money by picking up crap that everyone just throws away. I have probably recycled over 1 million cans in my lifetime just because I can't bare to see a usable metal on the ground or in the trash. Like a famous local gun salesman says, "I don't want to make any money, I just love to recycle cans" but you can make a little extra cash and every little bit helps these days.
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