Water World
by Bradley Voight on 10/10/12Smalltime would like to talk about the one thing that everyone needs and that is water. I do not have to use concrete numbers or any other data to let you know that the world is headed for a major water nightmare in the future. I am deeply concerned and you should be too if you are 40 or younger. We are going to be around to see the world population reach 10 billion and all of those people using water is only part of the story. Industrial processes including hydraulic fracturing or 'fracking' and factory farms will use half, if not more, of all of the fresh water that we use. If the population keeps on expanding at this rate, there will be wars fought over water in the very near future.
Smalltime would just like for you to be aware of your water usage but we would also like to give you information on how you could profit from the coming water problems. In the bottom left hand corner of our home page is a widget with a few water ETF's among other green stocks and funds. I am not qualified to give investment advice and I am not a licensed financial adviser but I do know a good trend when I see one and water is going to become more scarce in the future, simple supply and demand.
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