Wisconsin Recall Results and Why They Matter to You : Small Time Blog

Wisconsin Recall Results and Why They Matter to You

by Bradley Voight on 06/11/12

The recent recall attempt in Wisconsin is an omen of things to come. Collective bargaining was ended for most public employees when Scott Walker took office. Now that the recall failed to unseat him, he will be going for public worker pensions next. In San Jose and San Diego, California a referendum just slashed their pensions. This is a trend that will continue nation wide over the next several years. There will be no safety nets in the future unless you make them yourselves. 

My philosophy is take no handouts and believe no promises! I try to build my own safety nets and one way I do it is scrapping. I keep a stockpile of metal on hand and it acts like an extra savings account that I can use to keep out of my savings. 

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Disclaimer: This is not investment advice as I am neither licensed nor qualified to advise anyone's financial decisions. It is a site presenting an "out of the box" set of ideas on how to possibly maximize profit from recycling, creating an incentive for people to recycle. Smalltimerecycling.com and I Brad Voight are not responsible for any losses incurred from tips or suggestions presented on Smalltimrecycling.com, they are simply my own opinions and I encourage you to form your own opinions.
Also, the Smalltime Blog is not intended to be journalism. It is my own personal commentary on market factors, conditions, and events and other commentary relative to the content on Smalltimerecycling.com and is by no means meant to convey news or provide coverage of any news event.
Small Time Recycling's Mission Statement

Our primary mission is to reclaim valuable recyclables from the waste stream and bring attention to the wastefulness of America. Currently we are recycling metals and e-waste. The Smalltime Blog is a non political commentary on metal, stock, currency and other markets. The Smalltime Blog is also where the hard lessons of a self taught investor are discussed.
​$1 billion+ worth of aluminum cans trashed each year in America. 
That's $19 billion thrown away this century!

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